Saturday, May 18, 2013

lauren's before && after.

well, nerds. we have what you wanted! our official Ultimate Reset before/after pics are in & we're shocked! you know you're feeling better & your jeans fit a little looser, but we thought it was because they hadn't been washed yet! the truth is, the reset worked & we look better than we have in a while! check out the first of our transformation stories with before/after pics below & see for yourself! email us at if you have any questions about how you can try the ultimate reset!

for me, the reset was a great way to learn discipline & self-control. i was always the type of person who would eat food just because it was there. bored? eat food. up late? eat food. standing around at a party? eat the snacks! why not? just a few handfuls won't hurt! well, even though that's true, if you're really trying to lose weight or eat healthier, the hidden calories & choosing WHAT snacks you eat are the main issues to overcome. there's a difference between eating 10 chocolate pieces & 10 carrots. not only are the carrots bigger, but they're so much healthier for you. with my IBS, i find myself needing to eat more than just 3 meals a day. now that the reset got me into the habit of eating lots of fresh fruits & vegetables on a daily basis, i'm much more inclined to grab a clementine as a snack instead of the bag of chips. in addition, i survived 3 weeks without any caffeine, alcohol, soda, processed sugar & meat. things that i'd eat too much of on a daily basis were suddenly removed from my routine & i was able to do it! so now, with the addition of a consistent exercise routine, these items in moderation will still allow me to get more fit without depriving myself entirely!

a favorite outcome of the reset is that i've developed the habit of cooking food for myself & enjoying the prep time. it's now time i can devote to meditation, thinking about what i've done so far that day & what else i can do to make it the most productive day so far. i've become more patient after getting home from work, understanding that i'll be more satisfied with what i eat if i know that i prepared everything myself & knowing each ingredient i eat. another reset outcome favorite is that i'm not dependent on caffeine anymore. i still haven't had a caffeinated drink since ending the reset, but it doesn't mean i don't indulge in my favorite starbucks latte! it feels great to be able to wake up in the morning, feel refreshed & be able to function without the need of any stimulants. but if i want that little place in my heart to be warmed up, i'll grab a decaf soy sugar-free latte & enjoy it for the taste, rather than the caffeine-rush i used to use it for before.

lastly, my body feels like a well-oiled machine! if i eat too much of something, or something my body isn't really used to & probably shouldn't be exposed to, my body let's me know! i don't mean to be TMI...but it feels good to know that my body is finally understanding what i've known all this time. it enjoys fresh or steamed vegetables as opposed to french fries. it also knows how to tell when i'm full, if i'm hungry, or if i'm simply thirsty. drinking water more is definitely the #1 habit i'll take out of the 21 days. it curbs my hunger more than anything & it's helped the most with my IBS. FUN FACT: no one should ever feel thirsty at any moment during the day!! that obviously means you're not drinking enough, which may also mean you feel hungry at times when you really aren't, thus eating unnecessary calories. food is fuel! it's not a source of any type of emotion. once you realize this, you'll look at food a completely different way & you can start having more control over your health, thus living the life you always wanted :) well, that's my spiel!! thanks for reading & i hope there were some inspirational tidbits along the way! my free ultimate reset shirt will be arriving on monday so look out for those posts on instagram! i know i'm super excited to have completed my very first beachbody program & i can't wait for the next one!

keep studying!!

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