Friday, June 28, 2013

commit yourself.

to our fellow nerds:

our deepest apologies for slacking with our posts over the past month! i know you’ve been waking up every morning to see if we’ve posted & i can only imagine the despair that comes over you when you see we still haven’t posted. but be in despair no more! the nerds are gearing up for an intense summer school that includes each & every one of you! so sit up straight, get those number 2's out & let’s get schooled!!

our first lesson today deals with: commitment.

[k uh mit –m uh nt]
1. confinement to a mental institution or hospital.

wait…that may not be the definition we’re going for. let's try that again…

2. what most men are afraid of.

shoot. that doesn’t sound right… one more try?

3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.

that's more like it!! we love this definition because it shows how making a “commitment” is not a passive decision, but rather you’re actively making a promise to engage yourself every day in order to achieve a certain goal. a fellow fitness nerd shared a picture that really hit home with me. the accompanying quote was: “it’s not about how bad you want it. it’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it.” merely wanting something is a passive activity. “i want to travel the world. i want financial freedom. i want to have the abs of a victoria secret model (or calvin klein model, for all those fitness fellas out there).” well that’s great! those are amazing things to want! but what are you actually DOING to make those desires happen? all the want in the world won’t get you anything unless you’re willing to WORK toward those desires.

- but what if i don’t want to work?

believe me, i love the idea of not working!! but sadly, unless you’re the heir to a family fortune or the little old lady from florida who won the power ball lottery, there must be at least a little work involved to get what you really want out of life. so i'm asking you to ask yourselves: what do you want most in life at this very moment? & what do you have to do to get there? it doesn’t even have to be fitness related! Just make the commitment NOW to do something small every single day to get you closer to that final goal. write down a reminder that you actively & willingly made this commitment & have it somewhere you can see it every day. make the commitment & never look back.

we'll be checking up on you! so go on & get studying!!