Thursday, July 24, 2014

common conundrum #1: localized fat loss.

bonjour pupils! how is everyone? things have been cray now that we're less than a month away from moving our headquarters to the hustle & bustle of NYC. but don't worry... we're still around! in fact, today we felt the need to take a break from all of our craziness in order to deliver a special PSA regarding a common misconception that we've been seeing lately on the interwebz:

localized fat loss.

you know you've seen the posts that promise you'll lose inches off of your hips if you wear a wrap for a few hours. or those ab workouts that'll have the fat melt off your waist, leaving behind those sought after washboard abs. well, i'm sorry to break it to you, but contrary to popular belief, you can't tell which fat to go first! if that were the case, i definitely wouldn't have had my boobs volunteer as tribute before my thighs…

everyone has different fat distribution. some people have fat deposited evenly throughout their body, while others seem to have more fat in some areas than in others. regardless, when you lose weight, fat is released uniformly throughout the body. if you have unevenly distributed fat, this fact might not seem to be true, but sadly this is where genetics come into play. now, this doesn't mean localized workouts don't do any good! au contraire, mes chéris. all of those core, thigh, butt, & arm workouts you found on pinterest will build muscles in those areas & thennnn with a nutritional diet & all of those guilty pleasures in moderation, the fat starts to peace out & your hard-earned muscles come out to play!

so in summary: without a proper diet & a scientifically based overall fitness program, you can perform all the ab exercises you wish & it will never result in localized fat loss in your waist. all that you'll accomplish is a well-developed & conditioned six pack hidden by the fat you haven't been able to lose because you've been eating poorly & drinking heavily! so to be brief, eat less more often & exercise more! it's as simple as that!

well now. it feels good to clear up at least one myth for the day! so go hide all of those leftover chocolate bars & marshmallows from your july 4th bonfires & rest up! because tomorrow is fit friday & you don't want to miss it ;)

until next class!

Monday, May 19, 2014

the nerds have been schooled.

you heard right, kids! TheFitnessNerds hit the books over the last few months & i finally took the plunge! i am now a Certified Personal Trainer, thanks to the National Federation of Profession Trainers & i can't wait to take you all on this journey with me. this is a turning point at TFNHQ. if you know me, you'll know that i had been talking about becoming a certified trainer for a while. i loved giving advice to our followers, but i wanted to make sure i was posting real tips & legit facts instead of just going off of what is put out on the internet. so i took a step back from TFNHQ & lived up to the nerd reputation i've built up my whole life.

after spending months studying anatomy, physiology, fitness nutrition & all the legal information that comes with this position, i have to say that i'm even more excited about the role i've taken to help people like you (and me!) commit to a healthier lifestyle & make their dreams into a living & breathing reality.
no matter how much you talk about something, it doesn't become real until you actually make it happen yourself... much like this blog! it's all talk waiting to be put into action until you actually do it. so what was stopping me? um...nothing! & that's why i just went ahead & signed up, studied my booty off & kicked that exam's toned behind. & now, the same goes for all of you! with this newfound confidence & ever growing knowledge, i'm inviting you all to join me in deriving a plan of action to make those fitness dreams our own realities.

keep studying! & i will too ;)