Monday, October 21, 2013

music monday #2: the medicine modifier.

goooooood afternoon, nerds! how were your weekends? we hope they were just as classy as you! i had a mini trip to salt lake city for the 27th annual north american cystic fibrosis conference where i went wearing my super trendy microbiology researcher hat & presented my current research project on antimicrobial peptides. (i know… that makes most of you yawn…) so while most of the lectures i attended consisted of discussions about antibiotic resistance, gut/lung microbiome & pig/ferret models, i was actually able to make it to some nutrition seminars & roundtable discussions! while the diet required for a CF patient is much different than what’s recommended for a healthy person, it was crazy informative! your nutrition effects pretty much every aspect of your life, your quality of life & even how long you’ll be able to enjoy life. i met so many amazing people (nutritionists, dieticians & fellow researchers), which made me even more hyped up for TFN & i can’t wait to one day work in a clinical nutritional setting.

ANYWAY! enough of the tangents… you’re here for music, so let’s get cracking! to us, music evokes an emotion. a memory. a feeling. therefore, some songs we suggest may work for us, but not for you. a certain song may have been on repeat during a specific part of our lives, so it holds a much deeper & stronger meaning to us & in return, it pushes us to push ourselves to run that extra mile. today, we’re suggesting a remix of a song that our dance studio (Studio 19 Dance Complex) has used over the past year at competitions across the country. not only is the routine alone simply breathtaking, the song haunts you & the two of them together makes the hair on your arms stand on end (we DEFINITELY suggest you watch the dance here). we love the song alone, but it doesn’t really get your blood pumping to get those legs moving. but luckily, thanks to the chainsmokers, they’ve remixed the song & it’s now at the top of our “run like the wind” playlist. so, let’s take a listen & let it take you away!

keep studying, perky pupils!

Monday, September 30, 2013

music monday, the first.

hello nerds & happy monday!! we know, we know... "happy" & "monday" usually aren't used in the same sentence, but we hope this post changes that at least for today!

we spent a majority of this weekend updating our running playlist & that means good news for you! growing up as dancers, we're pretty much obsessed with music. the fact that your mood can be instantly switched from bad to amazing or from bored to nostalgic by the first notes of a song is pretty powerful. with that being said, we thought it'd be a great idea to start up MusicMonday! every monday we'll post one of our fave songs that will get your booty shaking to help you get through that final mile. not a runner? don't worry...these songs will also work for that killer last rep or final stretch of lunges.

this week's inspiration comes from the amazing sister duo of tegan & sara with a little help from david guetta. with more of a club feel, "every chance we get, we run" will no doubt reach down deep inside you & give you that extra push! & if that doesn't work...just hearing them singing about running should get those legs moving ;)

now we know this song has been out for a while (our bad!) but we hope that doesn't deter you from adding it to your playlist & giving it a shot! we promise to give you a little taste of old, current & classic favorites as we move forward with our recommendations.

now, lace up & get out there!

have a favorite song you love to workout to? feel like sharing? send your suggestions to us at for the chance to be featured on MusicMonday! we always love discovering new music, so send away!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

2-ingredient pancakes.

french toast. waffles. pancakes. omelets. eggs. bagels. bacon. sausage. home fries. jelly. toast. blintzes.


if your tummy just rumbled after reading those words, don't worry. you're not alone! all of these amazing foods are joined together by one word that excites every fiber of our beings & that word is: brekkie.

Pronunciation: /ˈbrɛki/
(also brekky)

okay, so maybe that was a little overkill, but we like to be thorough in our posts. anyway, the point is that TFN are obsessed with brekkie & absolutely love to start our days off right. we have limited time during the week, so we stick to our oats & fruits, but the weekends are our chances to take our time to splurge a bit & brekkie is our favorite chance to do that! while we love our occasional trips to our favorite pancake houses, we'd much rather be in charge of what goes on our plates. we've been seeing something called "2-ingredient pancakes" for a while now & we've never taken the plunge to try them out...until now. the verdict is in & we're saying...YUMMY! they've definitely lived up to the hype! while normal pancakes contain lots of "empty calories", these 2-ingredient pancakes satisfy your hunger & fill you up with a much smaller quantity! you go!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2-ingredient pancakes.
- one ripe banana
- 2 eggs

if that isn't the easiest shopping list, then i don't know what is! all you do is mash up the ripe banana well & then whisk in the 2 eggs. spray a tiny bit of nonstick spray on your pan, throw on the pancakes & voilà! you're done!
but okay. we may have lied to you just a, just the tiniest little bit. we actually use double the number of ingredients....oops! in our usual, old bisquick pancakes, we'd also throw in some cinnamon & vanilla (or almond) extract, so we continued this tradition in our two-ingredient pancakes! it adds a little bit of amazing flavor :) LASTLY...if you're feeling like you really wanna spice things up (like we were this morning),  throw in a little chocolate Shakeology  to make chocolate pancakes! not only does it add a bit of added superfood nutrients, it helps hold together the ingredients a little while you flip. we're thinking of trying vanilla Shakeo next time ;)

we always top our pancakes off with some fresh fruit & a little bit of pure honey. we promise they'll be a special treat & paired with your morning espresso, you're bound to have a good day :)
so...head on over to your local market for those truly free-range eggs, let those bananas go one day longer & happy brunching! let us know how they go or how you switch up the recipe!

keep studying!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

the nerds are getting schooled.

do you smell that?

***awkward silence***

anyway....what we're talking about is the scent of newly sharpened pencils & fresh paper. well, actually no one uses wooden pencils anymore, so it might just be our imaginations, but do you know what this means?! it's back-to-school-time, nerds! while the little kiddies are buying new plastic backpacks, picking out their favorite character's lunch boxes & convincing their parents that they just have to buy that 1-Direction glitter pencil case with matching eraser, TheFitnessNerds aren't just sitting back anymore. no's quite the opposite! the nerds are getting schooled :)

it's finally official & while we can't quit our day job (just yet), we've decided to do what we can & take a course to help move our dreams along & in the meantime, it helps out all of our readers! (that's you!) we signed up for a human nutrition course & as we learn more about what we need to sustain a healthful living, we'll be helping you learn too! we know you all have busy lives & can't even imagine taking more time out of your schedules to learn the ins & outs of nutrition, so that's why we're here! we'll bring you some important (tofu) knuggets of knowledge (yes...knuggets) that will help you make more informed decisions about what fills your plates.
but don't worry! this class won't take away our special bonding time. in fact, we're so excited about this course that you can expect more frequent posts. i know...that makes you pretty darn excited ;)

thanks for joining us in our elation & we'll be posting soon! class started yesterday & we can't wait to share some of what we've learned so far! wish us luck :D

keep studying & we will too!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

game-time granola.

do you get nervous the day before you’re going to a sporting event because you’re already having nightmares of the calories that are seeping out of those cheese-covered nachos or the french fries topped with buffalo wings (yes. that is a real thing…)? but if that’s what you’re nervous about, fear no more! (unless you're worried about getting hit with a flying ball or puck. sorry. can't help you there...) we recently went to a baseball game (goooo pirates!) & made sure to stock up on healthy, yet filling, snacks to get us through! the big hit was our homemade granola, which can be adjusted so it’s just the way you like it! there’s minimal prep work & it makes enough to last the whole game, even with extra innings!! this recipe came courtesy of the daring gourmet! she gave us all the details & left out any vegetable oils & refined sugars ;) check it out below!

Healthy Homemade Granola
Makes 6 cups

   4 cups raw oats (not quick or instant)
   ¾ cup unsweetened dried flaked coconut
   ⅓ cup chopped or sliced almonds
   3 tablespoons sunflower seeds (unsalted)
   1 tablespoon flax seeds
   1 tablespoon sesame seeds
   ⅓ cup raw honey
   3 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
   ½ teaspoon almond extract (optional)
   1 cup assorted dried fruit, like apricots, raisins, cranberries, cherries, pineapple, dates, etc.

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
2. Place the oats in a large mixing bowl. Add the coconut flakes, nuts and seeds and stir to combine.
3. Place the honey and coconut oil in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for one minute and remove from heat. Stir in almond extract if using.
4. Pour honey mixture over the oat mixture and stir until coated.
5. Spread the granola out on a large baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until lightly toasted, stirring every few minutes to prevent burning.
6. Let the granola cool completely then add the dried fruits and stir to combine.
Store in an airtight container. Keeps for about a week. Serve with milk and fresh berries if desired.

well…that’s it! you can pick whichever dried fruits you want, but if you’re choosing store-bought, be sure to make choices with minimal added/refined sugar!

we hope you enjoy this recipe & we promise you’ll need to keep making more, since it’ll go faster than you can say “raise the jolly roger!!!”

stay tuned for the recipe for our tailgating chickpea salad we made for the pregame! it's a gorgeous dish & again, super easy to make!

keep studying :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

motivate your mornings.

it’s 6:01 in the morning & you’re awoken from your dream-evoking slumber by a noise that you can’t quite place. it rattles your brain & shakes any remaining ocean views from your thoughts. your beach towel turns into a smooth pillow & the sun on your back is replaced by your hello kitty comforter. i mean, your more grownup-styled comforter… :-\ anywho… that sound persists & you still can’t figure out why no one else has stopped it until you roll over & realize it’s your very own alarm blaring in your ear. what day is it? & why did you ever, in your right mind, set that to go off? & so early? you reach over & without thinking, press the snooze button. this happens again & again & before you know it, you’re jumping out of bed & into your clothes in order to make it out the door on time! another day starts exactly the same as every other morning. your “intentions’ to wake up & workout are long forgotten & you’re neck-deep in work troubles at only 10am.

does this sound familiar? we swear this could’ve been our journal entry every morning for the past year! but you know what? one day we decided that this wasn’t good enough for us & wasn’t what we wanted out of life. if we started out the morning already running around & stressed, how would we possibly calm down throughout the rest of the day? but easier said than done, isn’t it? that’s why we were determined to make our mornings motivational!

-- but how can you do this? is this real, or are you just forcing us into another alliteration?

while we are fans of a properly placed alliteration, this is more than just that! if you make your mornings motivational, your day will become exponentially more productive & enjoyable. so what does this mean to us at TFNHQ? for me, i decided to switch my phone’s lock screen to a motivational picture that i'll see every time i go to press that snooze button. if i can read that quote & still go back to sleep, i'll know i'm not serious yet about changing my life. if you’re one of those who wouldn’t even see the screen because you press snooze with closed eyes, then choose a song as your alarm that gets your heart pumping & your mind thinking about all the possibilities you have ahead of you that can only occur if you get your behind out of that bed!! if that STILL doesn’t work for you, then take the most brutal approach & put that bloody phone on the opposite side of the room so you need to get out of bed in order to press snooze! & if you’re already out of bed, why not stay up?

the moral of this post is: get up & get going! from my personal experience, i know i'm 99.9% more likely to get something done (whether it’s a workout, packing, reading or responding to emails) if i set aside some time in the morning to get it done. if i just wake up & say “i'll fit it in later”, i get busy, tired & put it off to the next morning, where it’s likely to get pushed off again for another day! so why have that hanging over your head all day? i'd rather spend the rest of my day thinking back on how i kicked butt in my morning run or how the chapter of the book i read that morning can help me reach my dreams. i feel so much better after actually accomplishing something so early in the day & those post-workout endorphins don’t hurt either ;) so now we’re asking: how can YOU motivate YOUR mornings? will you dance your way to the kitchen to make your breakfast? write yourself a note on the mirror to get you ready to bring on the day? or will you one day be so committed that you wake up on your own to get those tasks done? whichever way you choose, keep it consistent & don’t let yourself get bored with it! mix up those mornings & you’ll be surprised at how much you get done throughout your day :)

keep studying, nerds! we’ve missed you!

Friday, July 5, 2013

take the challenge!

what if we told you that you only need 25 minutes a day to completely CHANGE your life? commit to our JULY 15 Beachbody Challenge group & you'll finally see results you've always wanted :) email us at for complete details!! we can't wait to help you make the commitment!! :)

keep studying & see you in class!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

the food addiction.

years ago i heard that m&m’s contain a certain ingredient that made you addicted to them. i searched far & wide through the depths of google, bing, wikipedia & i even asked jeeves! alas, i searched & searched to no avail. i therefore decided to end the wild goose chase & move on with my life. however, fast forward to the present & it turns out that i may have heard right!

a recent study sent to us by a study-abroad fitness nerd has shown that it is possible to become addicted to unhealthy foods & this addiction may be responsible for the global obesity epidemic. to sum up the findings, it’s been shown that high-fructose corn syrup can cause behavioral reactions in rats similar to those produced by drugs of abuse such as cocaine. this “food addiction” hypothesis was shown at the 2013 canadian neuroscience meeting by dr. francesco leri & suggests that someone could be addicted to food just as one is addicted to drugs of abuse. while the increased availability of highly-palatable foods worldwide could partly explain the high incidence of obesity, this is not the entire reason. how do you explain why some people are obese & others are not while they’re given the same amount of available food? dr. leri & others suggest that one important factor could be individual differences in vulnerability to addiction. surveys show that in the consumption of cocaine, only a small percentage of individuals who try the drug actually become addicted. dr. leri wanted to know if he same could be true of “addictive foods” & his data produces evidence that laboratory animals show a shared vulnerability to develop preferences for sweet foods & for cocaine.

while this research may lead to novel pharmacological interventions for obese individuals, it may also help increase the public’s understanding of the effects of unhealthy food choices. public education regarding nutrition & fitness is one of the goals of The Fitness Nerds, so we are very interested in what these studies result in!

if you’re interested in reading the full story, follow this link! sadly, my university does not have access to the journal “addiction biology”, so we cannot read the entire paper, but we’ll work on getting that for you asap!!

now, this doesn't mean you can blame your "addictive behavior" for overindulging in sweets! it's quite the opposite. it's scary to think that our bodies could be addicted to food in the same way it's addicted to a dangerous drug. because of this, it's best try to stay away from foods with high amounts of high-fructose corn syrup to begin with, so your body doesn't even know it exists! there's a lot more to the corn syrup ingredient that most people know, so look out for an upcoming post that explains a little more about this scary ingredient & how it’s popping up in places you wouldn’t expect!!

keep studying, nerds! we love your enthusiasm (:

*DISCLAIMER: all of the data from this post is from the provided link. we did not personally deal with these mice. let's just say, we'll leave it to the professionals.

Friday, June 28, 2013

commit yourself.

to our fellow nerds:

our deepest apologies for slacking with our posts over the past month! i know you’ve been waking up every morning to see if we’ve posted & i can only imagine the despair that comes over you when you see we still haven’t posted. but be in despair no more! the nerds are gearing up for an intense summer school that includes each & every one of you! so sit up straight, get those number 2's out & let’s get schooled!!

our first lesson today deals with: commitment.

[k uh mit –m uh nt]
1. confinement to a mental institution or hospital.

wait…that may not be the definition we’re going for. let's try that again…

2. what most men are afraid of.

shoot. that doesn’t sound right… one more try?

3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.

that's more like it!! we love this definition because it shows how making a “commitment” is not a passive decision, but rather you’re actively making a promise to engage yourself every day in order to achieve a certain goal. a fellow fitness nerd shared a picture that really hit home with me. the accompanying quote was: “it’s not about how bad you want it. it’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it.” merely wanting something is a passive activity. “i want to travel the world. i want financial freedom. i want to have the abs of a victoria secret model (or calvin klein model, for all those fitness fellas out there).” well that’s great! those are amazing things to want! but what are you actually DOING to make those desires happen? all the want in the world won’t get you anything unless you’re willing to WORK toward those desires.

- but what if i don’t want to work?

believe me, i love the idea of not working!! but sadly, unless you’re the heir to a family fortune or the little old lady from florida who won the power ball lottery, there must be at least a little work involved to get what you really want out of life. so i'm asking you to ask yourselves: what do you want most in life at this very moment? & what do you have to do to get there? it doesn’t even have to be fitness related! Just make the commitment NOW to do something small every single day to get you closer to that final goal. write down a reminder that you actively & willingly made this commitment & have it somewhere you can see it every day. make the commitment & never look back.

we'll be checking up on you! so go on & get studying!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

mid terms!

okay, nerds. let's lay it out for you. i know it's summer, but that doesn't mean it's time to slack off! in fact, all of your spare time should be spent doing everything you complain about not having enough time for in the fall/winter/spring! for TheFitnessNerds, we're preparing for mid terms!

--- wait, what? we have mid terms? i never signed up for that!
--- sorry to break it to you, but we do!! & our first one is coming up quickly!

on june 9, TFN & some other cool cats will be running the color me rad 5K & we're making sure we're fully prepared so we can pass with flying colors!! lololol... okay i know. bad joke.... but anyway! fitness is something you can't "cram" for. you have to study your behind off (literally) & make sure you're not falling behind in the weeks/days leading up to your main event. whether it's a 5K, 10K, marathon, or just being fit in general, there's no last-minute cheat sheet that'll give you those final results you want. to be honest, we've never been huge fans of running, but with the weather being absolutely phenomenal, we can't think of a better way to get outside & enjoy it! that's why we're dusting off our running shoes & hitting the track, trails, sidewalks, escalators, alleyways, or any runnable surface, trying to get our legs in shape for this 3.10686 mile race.
now, what's the point of these mid terms? besides the fact that color me rad is going to be freaking AWESOME (who doesn't want to run around with friends & strangers whilst being hit with colored corn starch, thus staining your bright white shirt that you'll never wash in hopes of never losing that victorious rainbow of a souvenir?), it's also a way to make sure we're staying on track for finals.

--- hold up... i already graduated college & you're telling me we not only have mid terms...but there's a final too?!

that's right! in less than 3 very short months, TFN will be running in the mother of all tests of physical fitness...TOUGH MUDDER!!! & while 3 months seems far away, it seemed even further away 3 months ago when we registered & now we're halfway closer to the main event.

so that's it! there's no way to cram for these exams (unless you enjoy the thought of multiple pulled muscles or drowning in a pool of mud due to exhaustion...) so that's why we're strapping on our iphones, turning on our running apps & hitting the streets (as opposed to the usual corners...) to get our butts into gear for our first-ever mid term!! who's joining us?

follow our progress on instagram, twitter & this blog to see how our preparation is going.
as for you...keep studying!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

it's a shake & share event!

hey nerds! this week we have our first of many live events coming up & we want you to join us! you may have seen our pictures of shakeology on our profiles, but how do you know what it really tastes like? well, we want to show you! if you live in the pittsburgh area (or even if you don't...we love road trips!) come to our very first shake & share event & try out all the flavors you want! we'll have a variety of different recipes for each of the 4 flavors & if you're lucky, we might even fulfill on-site requests ;) check out the details below, read more about the shakes on this website & we hope to see you there!! oh & we'll have vegan flavors too!!
keep studying!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

lauren's before && after.

well, nerds. we have what you wanted! our official Ultimate Reset before/after pics are in & we're shocked! you know you're feeling better & your jeans fit a little looser, but we thought it was because they hadn't been washed yet! the truth is, the reset worked & we look better than we have in a while! check out the first of our transformation stories with before/after pics below & see for yourself! email us at if you have any questions about how you can try the ultimate reset!

for me, the reset was a great way to learn discipline & self-control. i was always the type of person who would eat food just because it was there. bored? eat food. up late? eat food. standing around at a party? eat the snacks! why not? just a few handfuls won't hurt! well, even though that's true, if you're really trying to lose weight or eat healthier, the hidden calories & choosing WHAT snacks you eat are the main issues to overcome. there's a difference between eating 10 chocolate pieces & 10 carrots. not only are the carrots bigger, but they're so much healthier for you. with my IBS, i find myself needing to eat more than just 3 meals a day. now that the reset got me into the habit of eating lots of fresh fruits & vegetables on a daily basis, i'm much more inclined to grab a clementine as a snack instead of the bag of chips. in addition, i survived 3 weeks without any caffeine, alcohol, soda, processed sugar & meat. things that i'd eat too much of on a daily basis were suddenly removed from my routine & i was able to do it! so now, with the addition of a consistent exercise routine, these items in moderation will still allow me to get more fit without depriving myself entirely!

a favorite outcome of the reset is that i've developed the habit of cooking food for myself & enjoying the prep time. it's now time i can devote to meditation, thinking about what i've done so far that day & what else i can do to make it the most productive day so far. i've become more patient after getting home from work, understanding that i'll be more satisfied with what i eat if i know that i prepared everything myself & knowing each ingredient i eat. another reset outcome favorite is that i'm not dependent on caffeine anymore. i still haven't had a caffeinated drink since ending the reset, but it doesn't mean i don't indulge in my favorite starbucks latte! it feels great to be able to wake up in the morning, feel refreshed & be able to function without the need of any stimulants. but if i want that little place in my heart to be warmed up, i'll grab a decaf soy sugar-free latte & enjoy it for the taste, rather than the caffeine-rush i used to use it for before.

lastly, my body feels like a well-oiled machine! if i eat too much of something, or something my body isn't really used to & probably shouldn't be exposed to, my body let's me know! i don't mean to be TMI...but it feels good to know that my body is finally understanding what i've known all this time. it enjoys fresh or steamed vegetables as opposed to french fries. it also knows how to tell when i'm full, if i'm hungry, or if i'm simply thirsty. drinking water more is definitely the #1 habit i'll take out of the 21 days. it curbs my hunger more than anything & it's helped the most with my IBS. FUN FACT: no one should ever feel thirsty at any moment during the day!! that obviously means you're not drinking enough, which may also mean you feel hungry at times when you really aren't, thus eating unnecessary calories. food is fuel! it's not a source of any type of emotion. once you realize this, you'll look at food a completely different way & you can start having more control over your health, thus living the life you always wanted :) well, that's my spiel!! thanks for reading & i hope there were some inspirational tidbits along the way! my free ultimate reset shirt will be arriving on monday so look out for those posts on instagram! i know i'm super excited to have completed my very first beachbody program & i can't wait for the next one!

keep studying!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

day twenty-two.

so kiddies, it's day 22 & you know what that means? the ultimate reset is OVER! we did it!! we survived 21 days sans alcohol, processed sugars, meat, caffeine & all those other bad-for-your-body toxins out there! & you know what? we feel great! if you've been reading our previous posts about the reset, you've seen some of the food we've been eating & besides last night's dinner (avocado-cucumber soup...sounded promising but...not quite) all of the food was super delicious & we'll definitely be incorporating the recipes into our post-reset life. we'll even develop our own versions of some meals & post them for you all to try yourselves!

we've kept track of our progress & the final numbers are in! TheFitnessNerds have lost a total of 24 pounds & 36 inches in just 3 weeks!! that's only between two people so...those results are amazing! & even more than that, we feel more energized & rested without the need of caffeine & our tummies feel calmed & soothed, even after going through the detox! we've both lost at least one pant-size & we can't wait to see how this reset changed our lives by teaching us how to look at food differently, which is something we desperately needed.
the main thing we learned is that there's a time & a place for food. now don't get us wrong, we love splurging with cheat days just as much as the next person! & food is on our minds...a lot. but what we found is that if there was food around us, we felt the urge to eat it. not just at lunch or dinnertime, but throughout the day. if we passed by a bowl of candy, hungry or not, we'd constantly want to reach for just an m&m or two. but what we didn't realize is that if you pass that bowl 10 times throughout the day, you've eaten 20 m&m's that you haven't considered part of your food intake, so for dessert you also eat a brownie or two. cutting out those little added calories are one of the reasons for the drastic weight loss without doing any exercise more demanding that brisk walking. another great habit we gained from the reset was planning out our meals. no matter how tired we were at the end of the day, we had our menus set & we stuck with what we planned. if we weren't doing the reset, we would have been too lazy to think up a dinner & would've either ordered out, gone through a drive-thru, or eaten a bunch of random items from the kitchen that added up to a poor-nutrient meal. same with lunch! having our lunch made & brought with us, we didn't find the need to get some junk out of the vending machine that we'd hope would fill us up until we got home. having everything planned out also made us spend less time during the day thinking about food. instead, we were able to concentrate, actually concentrate, on what was happening around us or on things we've been putting off for weeks. case & point, we even had time for this blog! we've tried to make blogs in the past that have slowly withered away & died from lack of attention. but with the time it took for veggies to roast or water to boil, we were able to fit in a blurb or two on here & even a pic on instagram, which not only helped us with our accountability but hopefully helped you as well!

but i know what you're thinking. now that the reset is over, the nerds will go back to their busy lives & forget about the blogosphere & all of their numerous followers ;) but NOPE! that would be wrong! we've finally & officially completed our first team beachbody program & because of the incredible results we both see, there's no stopping us now! & now that we're allowed to eat whatever we want, there's nothing holding us back from trying out & sharing recipes for every meal of the day, including the most favorite "snack time". so, stay tuned!

sorry for the long post! just so much to talk about! but lastly, if you're interested in trying out the reset for yourself, email us at!! we'd be happy to answer any questions regarding how to get it, where to get it, what it costs, what it smells like, what it sounds like & anything else you could ever imagine! now that we've outwitted, outlasted, & outplayed the reset, we can't wait to share our knowledge with anyone interested! also, we'll be posting more fitbits, as well as before/after pics soon!

keep studying!!

ps. look out for a special pic once we receive our free ultimate reset t-shirts from beachbody! we'll be super excited to show off our proof that we survived the reset ;)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

& the winner is...

we have a winner for our very 1st TFN giveaway! head over to our instagram profile to see if you're the winner! & what did this follower win? well, he or she is very lucky because this very first giveaway includes not only a sample packet of beachbody's chocolate shakeology, but also a headband from lululemon! ( you might guess that the winner is a "she" might be wrong?)
congrats to the winner & keep coming back so you know when the next giveaway is! lots happening at TFNHQ so stay tuned (:

keep studying!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

food fact #1: the avocado attraction.

okay nerds. so let's get down to business. we have a problem at TFNHQ that we really feel like we should share with the class before we go any further with this journey. the fitness nerds are...completely obsessed with...avocados. okay. there...we said it! it feels so good to get it off of our chests! we can't get over our avocados! we LOVE avocados! in fact, if it wasn't for the fact that they're so darn expensive, we'd easily eat one with every meal! so this is why, my young pupils, we will be doing our first food fact on one of nature's most wonderful creations:

the avocado.
- aka: alligator pear
- while some varieties have bumpy, lizard-like skin, others are covered with smooth, slender skin
- despite the outside color & shape, all avocados only ripen off the tree & their fat content increases as they ripen

- push the skin to determine the ripeness
      - if it's hard, it'll take the avocado 2-6 days to ripen at room temperature
      - if it yields slightly to gentle pressure, it's ripe & good for slicing or dicing
      - if pushing gives way to a small dent, it's very ripe & good for mashing
      - if there's a large dent, it's overripe, probably discolored & you should introduce it to your rubbish bin
- ripe avocados can be refrigerated loose in a crisper drawer for up to 5 days

- to prevent discoloration, squeeze lemon or lime juice on the flesh of an already cut avocado
- cover a mashed avocado with plastic wrap pressed snugly on the surface to press out the air
- some people also contend that placing the pit in the mashed avocado mixture also helps prevent discoloration

- eat avocados raw or use as a garnish on warm dishes
- add to salads, sandwiches & hamburgers

- 1 cup of avocado is a good source of vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6 & potassium

- no mayo! substitute avocado for mayo on sandwiches or burgers
- blend avocados & use in salad dressings

well, nerds! you've now been schooled on one of TFNHQ's favorite fruits (yup! it's a fruit!!). you best believe that we'll be posting plenty of recipes with your new best friend in the coming future! we even have a lead on "avocado ice cream" that we're both excited & scared about. we'll wait till we try it before posting because everything on this blog comes from our very own experience! so keep a lookout for these updates & get those recipe cards (or your new, all-the-rage pinterest accounts) ready!

keep studying!

*DISCLAIMER: all of the information from today's food fact comes from TFN's newfound obsession: "melissa's great book of produce" by cathy thomas. it's on loan from a fellow nerd & we can't wait to read through its colorful pages!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

giveaway time!

hey nerds! we have some exciting news at TFNHQ! it's been 21 days since we officially went public & we have over 100 followers on instagram!! this makes us nerds very excited & because we're in such a great mood, we decided to have a giveaway!! now, this is only for our instagram followers, so make sure you head over to our page & either like or comment on our giveaway picture (posted below) & you'll be entered into our drawing! do you live outside the US? no worries! everyone's included :) so enter & we'll announce both the prize & the winner this weekend!
i know...some of you without instagram are sad you can't enter but we'll be having another one when we reach 100 likes on facebook! so get going on your extra credit & that'll happen sooner than you think!

lots happening at TFNHQ that we're extremely excited about. so...STAY TUNED!!

keep studying!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

two down. one to go!

hello hello nerds! long time, no talk! we are on day 14 of the reset, which means it's the last day of week 2 & the detox phase is almost over! the sad part of this is that we'll actually miss drinking the detox supplements :( it tasted just like lemon iced tea & it was a nice switch to drink something other than plain water, but this means there's only one week left of the reset! the nerds are down a combined 22 POUNDS & we can't wait to see what the rest of the reset has in store! we've found it so much easier to wake up in the morning, sometimes even waking up before our alarms & not reaching for the snooze button. this means we have a few extra minutes to relax & enjoy the morning, which we usually forget to do because we're sleeping till the last possible second & then rushing out the door. not only are we awake in the morning, but we feel much more rested throughout the day without the need of caffeine for an afternoon boost! but we're not gonna lie. the smell of coffee in the kitchen makes us yearn for our favorite starbucks latte... but we're staying strong!!

tonight was one of our favorite meals. we had an edamame & roasted corn succotash. what is succotash, you might ask? well it's a dish that consists primarily of corn & any type of shell beans. you can also add tomatoes & green or sweet red peppers. throw on your herbal blend & some vinegar dressing mixture & voila! you have a fabulous & filling meal. the succotash was paired with a lemon-pepper kale & this was the first time we've ever had kale. all we can say is...sooooo good! not only was it filling, but the bright green color will make a great addition to any meal in the future. good to know!
so, nerds. tomorrow starts the final phase of this course: restore. the ingredient options will slightly change & once again, we're excited to see what new recipes we'll be cooking up in the coming days! check back with us later this week for our first "fun food fact"! maybe we'll tell you something you didn't know already ;)

keep studying, nerds!!

PS. we're now at 75 likes on facebook! let's keep it up! & as some incentive, once we hit 100 likes, we'll be doing our first giveaway! so spread the word & keep checking back!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


CALLING ALL NERDS!!! CALLING ALL NERDS!!! we have breaking news at TFNHQ!! drop your weights, your medicine balls, your sweat towels & pop a squat for a quick wall sit while you read this important announcement. as of 15:41 EST on 24 april 2013, the CEO of beachbody, the one & only Mr. Carl Daikeler (if we used capital letters, you know he's important) not only responded to our tweet, but is also following TheFitnessNerds on twitter!! wahooooo!!! we've contacted the top of beachbody & he deems us worthy of his name upon our followers list! maybe he read our post where we call him handsome ;) who knows? the important issue here is that we've been heard! this also means that if you want to be extremely ripped, wealthy, important, handsome & all of the above, while running an international business that helps thousands of people with personal health, fitness & development, then you really should follow Mr. Daikeler's lead & head over to twitter & follow us @TheFitnessNerds! but why stop there? go on over to our profile on instagram on your daily phone-finger-wandering & follow us there for motivational pics, mouthwatering health food recipes & the most up-to-date info about what's going on at TFNHQ!
alrighty then! what an exciting day! while we go take our alkalinize shot & prep for dinner, continue your workouts & we'll reconvene soon!
keep studying!!

a delightful detox.

it's day 8, nerds! & the beginning of the official detox portion of the reset. now, calling it a "delightful detox" may be pushing it, but who are we to assume? as of today, we're officially following a vegetarian diet for the rest of the program & it's time to clean out our insides! now this may seem like TMI, but this portion of the reset is vital to restarting our bodies & charging forward into healthier lifestyles.

fun fact #1: your colon does much more than simply get rid of waste from your body. it plays an important role in the uptake of nutrients into your system, as well as influencing hydration & your immune system. so why not take the time to make sure it's operating smoothly? we'll be taking a detox supplement three times a day (which i hear tastes like lemon iced tea, possibly? i'll be optimistic about this one) & eating lots of fruit, while maintaining our ritual of drinking as much water as humanly possible in one day. this is the most nervous we've been since we began the reset, but we're excited to get a jump start on undoing all of the damage we've done to ourselves with the help of fast food, alcohol & excessive sugar. once this detox week is done, i hypothesize that our bodies will feel refreshed, renewed & ready to take on week 3.

happy trails, nerds & keep studying!

Monday, April 22, 2013

the day of the earth.

happy monday, nerds! how's life back to the grind after that glorious weekend? it's day 6 of the ultimate reset at TFNHQ & only...15 more days to go! so on this monday let's have a little...POP QUIZ! now, before you cheat & look at the title of this post (hint...that was a little hint...) what day is today?! well, my pensive pupils, it's... EARTH DAY!! & for today's "show & tell" TFNHQ will give the class a little glimpse into what's for dinner. so far we haven't had any complaints about the menu (except maybe there's a little more seaweed than we're used to...) & tonight is no different, except we're a little nervous & excited as well. today's menu is a "roasted root medley" & "zucchini-cashew soup". in all honesty, with all the food we're about to eat coming right from the ground around us, it's pretty fitting this menu happened to be on this holiday, huh? well played, beachbody ;) anyway! here are some pics of the short journey from plain-old fresh roots & veggies to rich roasted rootness with a side of our creamy-cchini-cashew culmination! (i know. that last one was a long shot, but just go with it...)

well, there you go! now we're gonna run to the lunchroom & grab our food before it gets cold & the bell rings! take some time tonight to appreciate the earth you live on & everything you get from it, as well as what's on it. now, we won't turn this post into a tree-hugging, eco-pushing propaganda piece, but we will say that the reset has made us appreciate the multitude of resources we get from the earth & how they allow us to live & sustain. our bodies are precious, so we should think about how we treat them & the earth they inhabit! just some food-for-thought, nerds ;)

keep studying!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

the preset to reset.

hey there, nerds! welcome back! well, TODAY IS THE DAY! we have started the ultimate reset & TFNHQ is both excited & nervous about the next 21 days of our lives. we've read the nutrition guide, bought the ingredients, watched the cooking videos (& yes...we know how to cook), took the notes, kicked the caffeine & got our tattoos! well, maybe not the last one, but we think we're about as ready for this endeavor as we'll ever be! to start sharing this experience with you all, here's an outline from our preset for those thinking about taking this reset course themselves!

okay so, maybe "splurge" isn't the best term to use, but it got your attention, right? anyway, we're only human, so the idea of turning in our wine glasses for water bottles & our bacon for smoky tempeh is a lot to ask. because of this, we're making sure to fit in any & all goodies into our preset. speaking to those who have completed the reset before say that you will be craving certain foods during the 3 weeks, so try to get that all out of the way beforehand! think about what you're eating so you remember it while you're doing the reset.
presenting the idea of a pre-detox right after talking about splurging seems a little contradictory, but it's a valid step! during the detox, we won't be consuming any caffeine & we'll be trying to reduce our sugar intake. since these are usually consistent in everyday life, you may be slightly addicted & not even know it! two weeks ago i started foregoing the starbucks lattes & replacing them with herbal tea. this way, day 1 of the detox isn't more taxing on the body than it should be. i usually get headaches if i skip a day of caffeine, so i made sure to slowly back off & now i've been caffeine-sober for a week. i'm almost ready to go! but first i need to....

yes, learn! going into the reset with just the ingredients & supplements isn't enough. this reset is supposed to teach you how to look at food differently. because of this, it's good to read up on what foods you'll be buying & why. what's the difference between whole wheat & whole grain? do red or white potatoes have more sugar? why is jicama spelled with a "j" when it's pronounced like an "h"? yes, all of these questions should be answered not only before the cleanse, but before you....

who can ever do enough shopping? not us at TFNHQ! so when it came time to stock up our fridges & spice racks for this course, we printed out our shopping lists & hopped to! well...easier said than done! true, we kind of waited till the last minute & may or may not have showed up to whole foods 45 minutes before it closed....but we felt like we were on supermarket sweep!! it was fun, yet stressful & we still had to spend another 90 minutes the next day in a different whole foods to finish up, so here's a tip: DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE! common sense, right? well, we like to live on the edge, i guess ;) but with this being said, it went by much easier & was so much more fun going with a second person. so if you're gonna sign up for the reset in the future, have a study buddy!! have one or two other people take the 21 day reset with you so you can share your journeys, but also share your ingredients & some cash ;)
so, you've bought the food, you've watched all the videos & now it's the night before the reset & you're...freaking out! well, that's what we were doing! we're so excited about the program but at the same time, a little nervous. so the best thing that we're doing is to talk with other people starting the cleanse & helping each other through each & every step. in addition, we're making sure to take deep breaths to fully oxygenate our bodies & ensure that we're as calm as possible throughout the cleanse. why cause unnecessary stress on our bodies? besides, this program is designed to help our bodies & most great things you have to work for. so we're wearing our bracelets & we're ready to take on day 1!
check back soon because we'll be posting as we go on this journey with some videos & more study tips as we go (: any questions about the program? email us at!
keep studying!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

why reset?

with the ultimate reset starting in less than a week, TFNHQ is starting to focus on the purpose behind why we're committing to this program, specifically. are we doing it to lose weight? sure! are we using it as a cleanse to detox? of course! are we withholding caffeine, sugar & alcohol because we're masochistic? maybe... are we joining beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler for his three week journey because he's real handsome (for an older guy) & maybe this way we'll get to talk to him & then...wait, what? i think we got distracted....awkward. *cough* well...anyway! the point is, there are many reasons why we're choosing to do the program. so let's highlight a few of the main ones & perhaps they'll hit home with you too!

coming from the name of the program itself, we're planning on giving our health a boost & jump start. not only will we remove all of the bad toxins from our body, but we'll hopefully feel better than we ever have before! starting a healthier lifestyle & becoming fit doesn't just mean you workout 7 times a week & eat a few salads, but then order out the rest of the time. it's believed that losing weight is only 20% exercise & the other 80% is "clean eating". if that's really the case, then this reset will rid ourselves of all the toxic chemicals that we've ingested over the years & our bodies will be freshly oiled machines (figuratively speaking) ready to keep moving forward.

a main goal of TheFitnessNerds is to grow in understanding about what we're doing to our bodies by exercise & nutrition. the reset is not just a detox, but a way to learn how to eat differently. by preparing each & every meal ourselves, we'll take a look at each ingredient that we'll put into our bodies, thus understanding how each one effects how we feel afterwards. after 3 weeks of this, we'll hopefully think twice about buying processed food that we had no control over how it was prepared. we will learn about clean eating & how to carry this habit for the months & years that follow the 21 day program.

lastly, & most importantly, we hope the cleanse will be the beginning of our journey to healthier lives. it's great to say to yourself "the diet starts today!" & most of the time we start with the greatest of intentions. however, we tend to get caught up in life & lose sight of what we're doing this all for. a little reminding never hurt anyone, so that's why you receive a cool bracelet with your kit to wear throughout the 21 days to remind you of what you're working towards. TFNHQ has a lot planned for 2013 (*cough*toughmudderpittsburgh*cough*) & we know that the reset will help us begin our training. we'll learn discipline by following the nutrition guide, but by documenting our journeys, we'll also learn accountability! both of these concepts will carry over into our training that will start directly after the reset.

so basically, what we're trying to say is that no matter what programs you're starting or changes you're making, never lose sight of what you're doing it all for. furthermore, if there's a goal or dream that you've always been afraid of setting for yourself, why wait a second longer? this is YOUR journey. no one can tell you no & if you don't do it for yourself, who will? so stop thinking & start DOING! it's your life. why not live it?

that's all, nerds! keep studying!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

spring cleaning.

hello there! welcome to the blog that is run by nerds & we're proud of it! we at TheFitnessNerds Headquarters (TFNHQ) have decided to commit to making a change in our lives & we hope that you'll follow us on our journeys to living healthier & more fulfilling lives. & who knows? maybe one day soon you'll become a nerd & join us as we work to end the trend of obesity, as well as laziness & ignorance.

so, why are we called nerds? well, i'm glad you asked that question! the goal of TFN is to understand what exactly we're putting into our bodies as well as what we're doing to them & why. there are so many fad diets & workout programs that promise to give you the results you're looking for. but do they really do that? well, we want to know too! that's why we're taking the "life research perspective" & trying out things for ourselves. but that's not the only goal of TFN. we hope that this blog will also help explain certain "fitnomena" (fitness phenomena...yup! just made that up!) such as why it's essential to drink lots of water. we also will be posting little FYI segments that will give fun facts about essential foods that you didn't even know existed! such as kale, your new friend with benefits ;) 

so, enough of the intro & onto the bread & butter of our blog! first on our "life research list" is the Ultimate Reset Program by Beachbody. we're joining Carl Daikeler & other nerds out there who want to start this spring off right with our very own spring cleaning! we clean out our garages, tidy up our rooms, trim our hedges & even give our cars a good ol' hand cleaning to get ready for the wonderful spring weather. so why not do the same to our bodies? the reset is a total inner body tune-up that'll get you ready for any workout you have planned. it boosts metabolism, lowers cholesterol, enhances complexion & improves your immune system! all while you eat 3 balanced meals a day. this doesn't look like one of those crash diets or juice cleanses that has you pulling your hair out when you watch coworkers eating their chipotle burritos with a cold coca-cola. or so they say! & that's what we want to find out :)

sound interesting? if so, there's still time to join us! contact TheFitnessNerds at or send us a tweet @TheFitnessNerds to find out how you can take advantage of the $50 special that expires April 14th, which will arrive just in time to take the challenge! APRIL 17TH IS THE DAY!!

TFNHQ will be documenting every step of this reset with daily blogposts, videos, tweets & if you want to be a TOTAL nerd, follow us on instagram! @TheFitnessNerds.

we have some awesome things coming up, so stay tuned! contact us for some one-on-one tutoring & we'll give you our progress reports ASAP!

keep studying :)