Saturday, May 4, 2013

food fact #1: the avocado attraction.

okay nerds. so let's get down to business. we have a problem at TFNHQ that we really feel like we should share with the class before we go any further with this journey. the fitness nerds are...completely obsessed with...avocados. okay. there...we said it! it feels so good to get it off of our chests! we can't get over our avocados! we LOVE avocados! in fact, if it wasn't for the fact that they're so darn expensive, we'd easily eat one with every meal! so this is why, my young pupils, we will be doing our first food fact on one of nature's most wonderful creations:

the avocado.
- aka: alligator pear
- while some varieties have bumpy, lizard-like skin, others are covered with smooth, slender skin
- despite the outside color & shape, all avocados only ripen off the tree & their fat content increases as they ripen

- push the skin to determine the ripeness
      - if it's hard, it'll take the avocado 2-6 days to ripen at room temperature
      - if it yields slightly to gentle pressure, it's ripe & good for slicing or dicing
      - if pushing gives way to a small dent, it's very ripe & good for mashing
      - if there's a large dent, it's overripe, probably discolored & you should introduce it to your rubbish bin
- ripe avocados can be refrigerated loose in a crisper drawer for up to 5 days

- to prevent discoloration, squeeze lemon or lime juice on the flesh of an already cut avocado
- cover a mashed avocado with plastic wrap pressed snugly on the surface to press out the air
- some people also contend that placing the pit in the mashed avocado mixture also helps prevent discoloration

- eat avocados raw or use as a garnish on warm dishes
- add to salads, sandwiches & hamburgers

- 1 cup of avocado is a good source of vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6 & potassium

- no mayo! substitute avocado for mayo on sandwiches or burgers
- blend avocados & use in salad dressings

well, nerds! you've now been schooled on one of TFNHQ's favorite fruits (yup! it's a fruit!!). you best believe that we'll be posting plenty of recipes with your new best friend in the coming future! we even have a lead on "avocado ice cream" that we're both excited & scared about. we'll wait till we try it before posting because everything on this blog comes from our very own experience! so keep a lookout for these updates & get those recipe cards (or your new, all-the-rage pinterest accounts) ready!

keep studying!

*DISCLAIMER: all of the information from today's food fact comes from TFN's newfound obsession: "melissa's great book of produce" by cathy thomas. it's on loan from a fellow nerd & we can't wait to read through its colorful pages!!

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