Wednesday, May 8, 2013

day twenty-two.

so kiddies, it's day 22 & you know what that means? the ultimate reset is OVER! we did it!! we survived 21 days sans alcohol, processed sugars, meat, caffeine & all those other bad-for-your-body toxins out there! & you know what? we feel great! if you've been reading our previous posts about the reset, you've seen some of the food we've been eating & besides last night's dinner (avocado-cucumber soup...sounded promising but...not quite) all of the food was super delicious & we'll definitely be incorporating the recipes into our post-reset life. we'll even develop our own versions of some meals & post them for you all to try yourselves!

we've kept track of our progress & the final numbers are in! TheFitnessNerds have lost a total of 24 pounds & 36 inches in just 3 weeks!! that's only between two people so...those results are amazing! & even more than that, we feel more energized & rested without the need of caffeine & our tummies feel calmed & soothed, even after going through the detox! we've both lost at least one pant-size & we can't wait to see how this reset changed our lives by teaching us how to look at food differently, which is something we desperately needed.
the main thing we learned is that there's a time & a place for food. now don't get us wrong, we love splurging with cheat days just as much as the next person! & food is on our minds...a lot. but what we found is that if there was food around us, we felt the urge to eat it. not just at lunch or dinnertime, but throughout the day. if we passed by a bowl of candy, hungry or not, we'd constantly want to reach for just an m&m or two. but what we didn't realize is that if you pass that bowl 10 times throughout the day, you've eaten 20 m&m's that you haven't considered part of your food intake, so for dessert you also eat a brownie or two. cutting out those little added calories are one of the reasons for the drastic weight loss without doing any exercise more demanding that brisk walking. another great habit we gained from the reset was planning out our meals. no matter how tired we were at the end of the day, we had our menus set & we stuck with what we planned. if we weren't doing the reset, we would have been too lazy to think up a dinner & would've either ordered out, gone through a drive-thru, or eaten a bunch of random items from the kitchen that added up to a poor-nutrient meal. same with lunch! having our lunch made & brought with us, we didn't find the need to get some junk out of the vending machine that we'd hope would fill us up until we got home. having everything planned out also made us spend less time during the day thinking about food. instead, we were able to concentrate, actually concentrate, on what was happening around us or on things we've been putting off for weeks. case & point, we even had time for this blog! we've tried to make blogs in the past that have slowly withered away & died from lack of attention. but with the time it took for veggies to roast or water to boil, we were able to fit in a blurb or two on here & even a pic on instagram, which not only helped us with our accountability but hopefully helped you as well!

but i know what you're thinking. now that the reset is over, the nerds will go back to their busy lives & forget about the blogosphere & all of their numerous followers ;) but NOPE! that would be wrong! we've finally & officially completed our first team beachbody program & because of the incredible results we both see, there's no stopping us now! & now that we're allowed to eat whatever we want, there's nothing holding us back from trying out & sharing recipes for every meal of the day, including the most favorite "snack time". so, stay tuned!

sorry for the long post! just so much to talk about! but lastly, if you're interested in trying out the reset for yourself, email us at!! we'd be happy to answer any questions regarding how to get it, where to get it, what it costs, what it smells like, what it sounds like & anything else you could ever imagine! now that we've outwitted, outlasted, & outplayed the reset, we can't wait to share our knowledge with anyone interested! also, we'll be posting more fitbits, as well as before/after pics soon!

keep studying!!

ps. look out for a special pic once we receive our free ultimate reset t-shirts from beachbody! we'll be super excited to show off our proof that we survived the reset ;)

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