Thursday, April 11, 2013

spring cleaning.

hello there! welcome to the blog that is run by nerds & we're proud of it! we at TheFitnessNerds Headquarters (TFNHQ) have decided to commit to making a change in our lives & we hope that you'll follow us on our journeys to living healthier & more fulfilling lives. & who knows? maybe one day soon you'll become a nerd & join us as we work to end the trend of obesity, as well as laziness & ignorance.

so, why are we called nerds? well, i'm glad you asked that question! the goal of TFN is to understand what exactly we're putting into our bodies as well as what we're doing to them & why. there are so many fad diets & workout programs that promise to give you the results you're looking for. but do they really do that? well, we want to know too! that's why we're taking the "life research perspective" & trying out things for ourselves. but that's not the only goal of TFN. we hope that this blog will also help explain certain "fitnomena" (fitness phenomena...yup! just made that up!) such as why it's essential to drink lots of water. we also will be posting little FYI segments that will give fun facts about essential foods that you didn't even know existed! such as kale, your new friend with benefits ;) 

so, enough of the intro & onto the bread & butter of our blog! first on our "life research list" is the Ultimate Reset Program by Beachbody. we're joining Carl Daikeler & other nerds out there who want to start this spring off right with our very own spring cleaning! we clean out our garages, tidy up our rooms, trim our hedges & even give our cars a good ol' hand cleaning to get ready for the wonderful spring weather. so why not do the same to our bodies? the reset is a total inner body tune-up that'll get you ready for any workout you have planned. it boosts metabolism, lowers cholesterol, enhances complexion & improves your immune system! all while you eat 3 balanced meals a day. this doesn't look like one of those crash diets or juice cleanses that has you pulling your hair out when you watch coworkers eating their chipotle burritos with a cold coca-cola. or so they say! & that's what we want to find out :)

sound interesting? if so, there's still time to join us! contact TheFitnessNerds at or send us a tweet @TheFitnessNerds to find out how you can take advantage of the $50 special that expires April 14th, which will arrive just in time to take the challenge! APRIL 17TH IS THE DAY!!

TFNHQ will be documenting every step of this reset with daily blogposts, videos, tweets & if you want to be a TOTAL nerd, follow us on instagram! @TheFitnessNerds.

we have some awesome things coming up, so stay tuned! contact us for some one-on-one tutoring & we'll give you our progress reports ASAP!

keep studying :)

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