Wednesday, April 17, 2013

the preset to reset.

hey there, nerds! welcome back! well, TODAY IS THE DAY! we have started the ultimate reset & TFNHQ is both excited & nervous about the next 21 days of our lives. we've read the nutrition guide, bought the ingredients, watched the cooking videos (& yes...we know how to cook), took the notes, kicked the caffeine & got our tattoos! well, maybe not the last one, but we think we're about as ready for this endeavor as we'll ever be! to start sharing this experience with you all, here's an outline from our preset for those thinking about taking this reset course themselves!

okay so, maybe "splurge" isn't the best term to use, but it got your attention, right? anyway, we're only human, so the idea of turning in our wine glasses for water bottles & our bacon for smoky tempeh is a lot to ask. because of this, we're making sure to fit in any & all goodies into our preset. speaking to those who have completed the reset before say that you will be craving certain foods during the 3 weeks, so try to get that all out of the way beforehand! think about what you're eating so you remember it while you're doing the reset.
presenting the idea of a pre-detox right after talking about splurging seems a little contradictory, but it's a valid step! during the detox, we won't be consuming any caffeine & we'll be trying to reduce our sugar intake. since these are usually consistent in everyday life, you may be slightly addicted & not even know it! two weeks ago i started foregoing the starbucks lattes & replacing them with herbal tea. this way, day 1 of the detox isn't more taxing on the body than it should be. i usually get headaches if i skip a day of caffeine, so i made sure to slowly back off & now i've been caffeine-sober for a week. i'm almost ready to go! but first i need to....

yes, learn! going into the reset with just the ingredients & supplements isn't enough. this reset is supposed to teach you how to look at food differently. because of this, it's good to read up on what foods you'll be buying & why. what's the difference between whole wheat & whole grain? do red or white potatoes have more sugar? why is jicama spelled with a "j" when it's pronounced like an "h"? yes, all of these questions should be answered not only before the cleanse, but before you....

who can ever do enough shopping? not us at TFNHQ! so when it came time to stock up our fridges & spice racks for this course, we printed out our shopping lists & hopped to! well...easier said than done! true, we kind of waited till the last minute & may or may not have showed up to whole foods 45 minutes before it closed....but we felt like we were on supermarket sweep!! it was fun, yet stressful & we still had to spend another 90 minutes the next day in a different whole foods to finish up, so here's a tip: DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE! common sense, right? well, we like to live on the edge, i guess ;) but with this being said, it went by much easier & was so much more fun going with a second person. so if you're gonna sign up for the reset in the future, have a study buddy!! have one or two other people take the 21 day reset with you so you can share your journeys, but also share your ingredients & some cash ;)
so, you've bought the food, you've watched all the videos & now it's the night before the reset & you're...freaking out! well, that's what we were doing! we're so excited about the program but at the same time, a little nervous. so the best thing that we're doing is to talk with other people starting the cleanse & helping each other through each & every step. in addition, we're making sure to take deep breaths to fully oxygenate our bodies & ensure that we're as calm as possible throughout the cleanse. why cause unnecessary stress on our bodies? besides, this program is designed to help our bodies & most great things you have to work for. so we're wearing our bracelets & we're ready to take on day 1!
check back soon because we'll be posting as we go on this journey with some videos & more study tips as we go (: any questions about the program? email us at!
keep studying!

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