Friday, August 2, 2013

motivate your mornings.

it’s 6:01 in the morning & you’re awoken from your dream-evoking slumber by a noise that you can’t quite place. it rattles your brain & shakes any remaining ocean views from your thoughts. your beach towel turns into a smooth pillow & the sun on your back is replaced by your hello kitty comforter. i mean, your more grownup-styled comforter… :-\ anywho… that sound persists & you still can’t figure out why no one else has stopped it until you roll over & realize it’s your very own alarm blaring in your ear. what day is it? & why did you ever, in your right mind, set that to go off? & so early? you reach over & without thinking, press the snooze button. this happens again & again & before you know it, you’re jumping out of bed & into your clothes in order to make it out the door on time! another day starts exactly the same as every other morning. your “intentions’ to wake up & workout are long forgotten & you’re neck-deep in work troubles at only 10am.

does this sound familiar? we swear this could’ve been our journal entry every morning for the past year! but you know what? one day we decided that this wasn’t good enough for us & wasn’t what we wanted out of life. if we started out the morning already running around & stressed, how would we possibly calm down throughout the rest of the day? but easier said than done, isn’t it? that’s why we were determined to make our mornings motivational!

-- but how can you do this? is this real, or are you just forcing us into another alliteration?

while we are fans of a properly placed alliteration, this is more than just that! if you make your mornings motivational, your day will become exponentially more productive & enjoyable. so what does this mean to us at TFNHQ? for me, i decided to switch my phone’s lock screen to a motivational picture that i'll see every time i go to press that snooze button. if i can read that quote & still go back to sleep, i'll know i'm not serious yet about changing my life. if you’re one of those who wouldn’t even see the screen because you press snooze with closed eyes, then choose a song as your alarm that gets your heart pumping & your mind thinking about all the possibilities you have ahead of you that can only occur if you get your behind out of that bed!! if that STILL doesn’t work for you, then take the most brutal approach & put that bloody phone on the opposite side of the room so you need to get out of bed in order to press snooze! & if you’re already out of bed, why not stay up?

the moral of this post is: get up & get going! from my personal experience, i know i'm 99.9% more likely to get something done (whether it’s a workout, packing, reading or responding to emails) if i set aside some time in the morning to get it done. if i just wake up & say “i'll fit it in later”, i get busy, tired & put it off to the next morning, where it’s likely to get pushed off again for another day! so why have that hanging over your head all day? i'd rather spend the rest of my day thinking back on how i kicked butt in my morning run or how the chapter of the book i read that morning can help me reach my dreams. i feel so much better after actually accomplishing something so early in the day & those post-workout endorphins don’t hurt either ;) so now we’re asking: how can YOU motivate YOUR mornings? will you dance your way to the kitchen to make your breakfast? write yourself a note on the mirror to get you ready to bring on the day? or will you one day be so committed that you wake up on your own to get those tasks done? whichever way you choose, keep it consistent & don’t let yourself get bored with it! mix up those mornings & you’ll be surprised at how much you get done throughout your day :)

keep studying, nerds! we’ve missed you!

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